Kindly read the Terms and Conditions of GO VOLUNTEERING ABROAD PVT. LTD. carefully before applying or submitting your online application. By submitting and filling your application, you certify and agree to the following Go Volunteering Abroad Pvt. Ltd. Terms and Conditions:

Privacy Policy

You will agree to the privacy policy set out in the Privacy Policy of Go Volunteering Abroad Pvt. Ltd.


The volunteer is solely responsible for arranging and paying for their own travel, specifically including all airfares or other transport costs to and from the host country, as well as any local transport costs. It is the responsibility of the volunteer to carry all necessary documents when traveling abroad. While go volunteering abroad may only  advise the volunteer for the required travel documents, Go volunteering abroad provides only advise and pre departure information to you, it is your responsibility to obtain all necessary travel documents, such as visa, work permits etc. You are responsible for ensuring your travel documents are complete and perfect to your travel. Go Volunteering Abroad will not accept the responsibility if the entry is denied to a country due to incorrect visa or travel documents.

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is a must and compulsory for all the participants of go volunteering abroad. All the volunteers should purchase this before departing on their trip. The volunteers are solely responsible for evaluating and determining the type, extent and levels of any insurance coverage they need or desire for their planned volunteer travel period. This must cover their entire travel period. Go Volunteering Abroad Pvt.Ltd. does not take any responsibility towards claims of disputes with the insurance provider and the client.

Refund Policy

Go Volunteering Abroad Pvt. Ltd. offers the most affordable and the lowest application fees as compared to other companies who provide volunteer travel services. As a result Go Volunteering Abroad Pvt. Ltd. is unable to provide and does not provide a total refund policy.

Application Fees

Payment of application fees confirms a volunteer’s acceptance onto one of Go Volunteering Abroad volunteer programs. Application fees are not transferable to other persons and further details are set out on our website.

  • All volunteers who have been accepted to participate in one of the Go Volunteering Abroad programs in required to first register with GVA.
  • A volunteer’s placement on a program cannot be confirmed until the application fee has been paid in full and in which payment has cleared.
  • The application fee for the volunteer’s project is: US$149.
  • All application fees are non-refundable once the placement booking has been confirmed by our local project partner.

Program Fees

  • Details of applicable program fees are outlined on each program page of the Go Volunteering Abroad Pvt. Ltd. Website and any fee revisions will be made public via that platform.
  • All incurred transaction costs pertaining to online, bank, or wire transfers must be covered by the volunteer.
  • Program fees may be subject to change, but will not affect volunteers who have already paid their registration fee.
  • Program fees are due eight weeks prior to the start of the volunteer’s placement. If the booking is made within eight weeks of the start date, payment is due immediately upon the date the volunteer’s application has been accepted. Failure to make this payment may result in the loss of the volunteer’s place on the program with no refund of the application fee.
  • All program fees shall be divided, in which 90% shall be sent to the local organization hosting the volunteer, and 10% is used to cover bank forex fees and other transactional charges.
  • The volunteer acknowledges that Go Volunteering Abroad Pvt. Ltd. collects program fees on behalf of the local hosting organization and any dispute about program fees arising once the program has commenced must be made with the local organization.
  • The payment of program fees does not guarantee the exact program selected. As with all volunteering in developing countries it is important that volunteers remain flexible. Staff shortages, school and public holidays, etc may require the volunteer to take part in different projects offered by the same partner organization.


  • Go Volunteering Abroad Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to investigate any claim for a refund to determine its origin and if any refund is truly due to any fault of GVA. Should GVA determine that a refund is warranted due to a fault of GVA and through no fault of the volunteer, and then GVA will issue a refund, full or partial, in accordance with our Refund Policy Schedule (outlined below).
  • Program Fees are subject to the following refund policy schedule:
    • Cancellation made more than 45 days from the booking start date = 100% refund
    • Cancellation made less than 45 days, but more than 30 days = 50% refund
    • Cancellation made less than 30 days = 0% refund
  • Once the program commences, there shall be no refunds, either full or partial, for any reason, except if deemed warranted by Go Volunteering Abroad and at GVA sole discretion.
  • The volunteer agrees that only GVA shall make the sole and final determination if any refunds, either full or partial, are issued.

Change of Dates and Duration

Once registered and before they begin their trip, the volunteer is entitled to change their start date and duration once at no additional cost. Any additional changes to their start date, destination or duration after the initial free change requires payment of an administration fee of US$50 for each change. Program changes within fourteen days of the volunteer’s start date will incur a late change fee of US$150. If a volunteer wishes to change their start date, the registration fee is only valid for new start dates within twelve months of the earliest start date they have been registered for.

Personal Risks

The volunteer acknowledges and accepts the responsibilities and risks associated with their choice to travel to, temporarily reside in, and provide volunteer services in a foreign country. Such travel and volunteer work can be hazardous and involves a certain degree of risk, inherently dangerous activities and personal perils to the volunteer, both foreseen and unforeseen, all of which are fully accepted by and solely assumed by the volunteer. Therefore,GVA including any and all of its employees, managers, directors, shareholders, host families and independent local teams, is not liable, to the maximum extent of the law, for any loss or harm the volunteer or associates may suffer, including but not limited to loss caused directly or indirectly by:

  • Personal injury
  • Emotional injury
  • Accommodation
  • Transportation
  • Safety
  • Hygiene
  • Civil unrest
  • Death
  • Illness or disease
  • Damage to or loss of property
  • Natural disasters
  • Dangers associated with wild or other animals
  • Hostage situations
  • Religious activities
  • High altitude
  • Food
  • Water
  • Illness or disease
  • War or terrorism


The volunteer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless GVA and the independent local team from any and all liability arising directly or indirectly out of, or in connection with, the volunteer’s travel, temporary residence in their chosen destination, and the undertaking of volunteering or tourism activities.

Local Rules

  • The volunteer agrees that GVA shall not be responsible or liable for any volunteer who contravenes any law or regulation of any country visited.
  • The volunteer must abide by the rules put in place by the GVA local partner organization, volunteer placement institution, and host family. Breaking these rules may result in dismissal from the program with no refund.
  • The volunteer agrees to comply with the GVA’s Code of Conduct. Volunteers must read this Code before taking part in a project orientation. If the volunteer doesn’t follow the conditions outlined within the Code, they can be removed from the project at any time and without refund.

Drug and Alcohol Use

  • The volunteer must abide by the rules put in place by the local host organization, volunteer placement institution, and the host family with regards to alcohol consumption. Drug use (other than those prescribed by a doctor) is strictly prohibited and will result in instant dismissal from the program with no refund.

Under 18 Volunteers

Volunteers who participate in an GVA volunteer program prior to turning 18 years old are required to submit to GVA a signed consent from their legal guardian(s), to be submitted to GVA no later than 2 weeks prior to departure.

The Under 18 Volunteer is not entitled to participate in the program unless their Parent/Guardian has validly executed this Agreement, a Pre-Departure Consent Form and any project-specific requirements of GVA or the Independent Local Team. Participants under 18 who are not traveling with a legal guardian, must have this document printed and signed by his/her legal guardian(s), who will be entering into the agreement on the volunteer’s behalf. You, the parent/guardian, represent and warrant to GVA that you are the parent and or legal guardian of the Under 18 Volunteer and that GVA have full and complete capacity and the authority to bind Yourself, and the Under 18 Volunteer, to this Agreement.

The Under 18 Volunteer and their Parent/Guardian each acknowledge that whilst on a volunteer program, it is the Under 18 Volunteer’s responsibility to make all reasonable efforts to avoid any activity, environment, object or substance that may have an adverse effect on the Volunteer’s health or well-being.

If the Under 18 Volunteer fails to comply with the Code of Conduct or other risk mitigation provisions, GVA reserves the right to withdraw the Under 18 Volunteer from the program at any time, when such action is reasonably determined by the appropriate GVA or Local Team staff representative to be in the best interests of the health, safety, and general welfare of the program, other participants or of the individual participant, expulsion of the Volunteer is not subject to appeal. Withdrawal of the Volunteer from the program will be at the Volunteer’s and/or Parent/Guardian’s expense without any right to a refund. All program participants acknowledge that they will be responsible for their own actions at all times. Participants will be required to sign a behavior contract during their program orientation.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Under 18 Volunteer and their parent/guardian release GVA from any claim, suit, action or proceeding in respect of the removal, and/or entering, of the Under 18 Volunteer from or into the program in accordance with this Agreement.

Drug and Alcohol Use

The volunteer must abide by the rules put in place by the independent local team, volunteer placement institution, and the host family in regards to alcohol consumption. Drug use (unless prescribed by a doctor) is strictly prohibited and will result in instant dismissal from the program with no refund.

Privacy Policy

GVA and the volunteer agree to the conditions laid out in the Privacy Policy.

Volunteer Content

  • “Volunteer Content” means any and all information and/or content that a volunteer submits to, or uses with, the GVA website or information (e.g., content about the volunteer, photographs, or other postings).
  • The volunteer acknowledges that as part of their participation on a GVA program they may, from time to time, submit photographs, audio testimonies, or blogs about their volunteer experiences with GVA. The volunteer hereby grants permission to GVA for the use of such photograph(s), audio recordings, print, videos, blogs, or electronic media in any presentation of any and all kind whatsoever. This may include, without limitation, quotes, photos, blogs, videos etc, on as well as GVA’s social networking pages. The volunteer acknowledges that GVA will most likely use such recordings and images for advertising and marketing purposes and the volunteer gives permission to do so.
  • GVA reserves the right (but have no obligation) to review any content provided by the volunteer, and/or to take appropriate action against the volunteer in our sole discretion if the volunteer violates any provision of these terms or otherwise creates liability for us or any other person. Such acts may include removing or modifying the content and/or terminating the volunteer’s access to GVA’s website and/or any of our volunteer services.

Force Majeure

  • The volunteer agrees that go volunteering abroad shall not be responsible to pay any compensation where the performance or prompt performance of GVA or our partner’s contractual obligations is prevented or affected by reasons or circumstances amounting to ‘force majeure’.
  • Circumstances amounting to ‘force majeure’ include any event which we or the supplier of the service(s) in question could not, even with all due care, avoid such as, without limitation, plane delays, war or threat of war, civil strife, government intervention, natural or nuclear disaster, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, adverse weather conditions, fire, and similar events.


  • The volunteer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless GVA and the local host organization from any and all liability arising directly or indirectly out of, or in connection with, the volunteer’s travel, temporary residence in their chosen destination, and the undertaking of volunteering or tourism activities.

Legal Disclaimer

  • Volunteering often involves traveling to and working in parts of the world where there may be some personal risk. This includes physical injury, financial loss, mental/emotional trauma, and even death. The volunteer acknowledges and accepts sole responsibility for any such risks of whatever nature that may occur during the term of this volunteering agreement.
  • Volunteering placements are often in areas where the standards of accommodation, transport, safety, hygiene, telecommunication facilities, level of infrastructure development and medical facilities are not the same as the volunteer may be used to at home, or would find on a conventional holiday.GVA   cannot accept any responsibility for accidents, injuries, loss of personnel effects, or death, which the volunteer agrees to fully assume. The volunteer understands that during the placement certain events may occur, including, but not limited to, accident or illness in remote places without medical facilities, political instability, criminal acts, and the forces of nature. The volunteer agrees to assume all risks associated with the journey to the maximum extent permitted by law.
  • The volunteer acknowledge that volunteering requires a degree of flexibility, and understands that the itinerary, accommodation, and modes of transport are subject to change without prior notice due to local circumstances. GVA shall not be responsible for any costs incurred by the volunteer which may include, without limitation, flight cancellations, hotel cancellations, taxi cancellations, etc.
  • Furthermore, GVA disclaims any and all liability regarding any of the content provided by the volunteer. We have no way to verify that any of the information listed by the volunteer is accurate, up-to-date, or fraudulent. Should reliance on any of the volunteer information result in some kind of cause-of-action or injury to the volunteer, known or unknown, GVA shall have no liability or responsibility.
  • Being aware of the above, the volunteer takes any information from GVA at their own risk. By using any of the information, the volunteer agrees not to sue GVA, or any of its agents, employees, host families, or volunteers from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, breach of contract, breach of warranty, damage, or injury that may be sustained by the volunteer. or otherwise and regardless of whether such liability arises in court, contract, strict liability, negligence, or otherwise, to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Governing Law

Go Volunteering Abroad Pvt. Ltd. will only deal with any dispute or charges in India and is governed by the Indian law, All the issues of copyright or trade mark including others will only be dealt in Indian Court Of Law.


  3. YOU ARE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD, and/or